Google Bard AI as The LaMDA language model, on which Google's Bard is built, was trained using datasets derived from Internet content called Infiniset, about which very little is known regarding the sources and methods of acquisition.
Only 12.5% of the many types of data needed to train LaMDA are listed in the 2022 LaMDA study report.12.5% of the data is from a public collection of web-scraped content, and the remaining data is from Wikipedia.
The source of the remaining scraped data is purposefully left unclear by Google, but there are indicators as to which websites are included in those databases.
Infiniset Dataset from Google
LaMDA, which stands for Linguistic Model for Dialogue Applications, is the language model on which Google Bard is built.
On the Infiniset dataset, LaMDA was trained.
Infiniset is a collection of Internet information that was specifically picked to improve the model's conversational skills.
The LaMDA research document (PDF) provides the following justification for their selection of content:
"To attain a more robust performance on dialogue tasks, this composition was used while still maintaining its performance other chores, like creating code.
Future research can explore how the model's choice of composition may impact how well it does many other NLP tasks.
In the context of computer science, the study paper makes mention to dialogue and dialogues, which is how the words are spelled in this context.
1.56 trillion words of "public dialogue data and web content" were used to pre-train LaMDA.
The dataset is made up of a variety of the following:
12.5% data based on C4
Wikipedia is 12.5% in English.
12.5% of code documents come from tutorials, programming Q&A websites, and other sources.
6.25% of websites are in English.
6.25% of web pages are not in English.
50% of the dialogue data came from public forums.
Infiniset's first two components (C4 and Wikipedia) consist: of known information
The C4 dataset is a highly filtered version of the Common Crawl dataset, which will be investigated shortly.
Only an identified source accounts for 25% of the data (the C4 dataset and Wikipedia).
75% of the remaining data, which makes up the majority of the Infiniset dataset, is made up of words that were taken directly from the Internet.
The research article omits any information on the website(s) from which the data was scraped, how the data was collected from those websites and the domains from which it was taken.
Only broad terms like "Non-English online content" are used by Google.
When something is unclear and largely hidden, it is said to be murky.
The phrase "murky" best sums up the 75% of data that Google used for training.
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